My Houses
•Posted on November 27 2023
My Real Good Toys First Lady Dollhouse
First, let me say welcome! If you're here, you must be a miniature enthusiast like myself. Or maybe you haven't started yet, but are interested. I started this blog to document the progress of my mini journey for not only myself, but anyone who might be looking for ideas and inspiration.
My current projects are my Real Good Toys First Lady dollhouse and my newly acquired Duracraft Bellingham Farmhouse. I inherited my RGT from my great aunt when after she passed away. I remember as a child always being in awe whenever I was at her house as I peeked in the bedroom where she kept it. Even as a child I loved the craftsmanship and love that went into building miniatures. As an adult my great aunt and I shared many conversations about her plans for the house, what still need to be done (a lot!) and how to go about doing them. I have made some changes to the house, it looks very different today then when my aunt had it. I don't know for certain if she would agree with all my changes, but I hope that she would appreciate the love and time I am putting into it with hopes of one day seeing her finished.
The First Lady as she looks today.
The photo above is mostly how she currently looks. Being a labor of love, I often find myself taking long breaks so as not to get overwhelmed in the details. I have changed a few minor trim details, but I have yet to get some new photographs of the progress.
The inside of the main house body getting some wiring in.
I haven't done much to the interior yet, other than painting and some tape wiring for future fixtures. I find I bounce around a lot, which is why so many things are started and nothing is complete.

My Duracraft Bellingham Farmhouse
I seem to always be on the hunt on Facebook Marketplace for dollhouse things. I check there often to see what's available. Last week I found a Duracraft Bellingham Farmhouse kit new in box and thought to myself what a cute little house. With a little prodding at the hubs I convinced him I just <em>had</em> to have this. Like my life wouldn't be complete without it. He contacted the seller and a couple hours later it was mine! Of course I started to dig in right away and put it together. It was a fairly easy build and I enjoyed getting it all together while ideas flowed through my head of where I was going with it. So here she is, well on her way to becoming the little farmhouse of my dreams.
Original Post: December 3, 2019